驻下英语Level 3/ Dumb Laws

驻下英语Level 3/ Dumb Laws

2017-05-02    03'03''

主播: kobeghy

40 6

更多精彩内容 尽在@驻下英语美术 背景音乐:Chris Rea-Looking For The Summer Dumb Laws Check your vocabulary 1.A machine that records how fast you are driving a r________ detector (n.) 2.To press a button in a car to order to make a noise, which come out of a horn and can be a signal to communicate with others including drivers. to h________ horn. (v.) 3.On the night of Halloween, some children knock on the doors and say “ t ________ or t___________” 4.To move your fingers over someone’s body in order to make them laugh. t__________ (v.) 5. How to say the animal in the picture in English ? r_______________ (n.) 6. What is an animal that is half horse and half donkey ? 7.We use a general word for knives, forks, plates etc. t___________ (n.) 8.To force saliva / liquid our of your mouth. s__________ (v.) 9.Clothing women wear over their stomach and hips to make them look much slimmer. c__________ (v.) 10. A person who accompanies another person to make sure that person is safe. ch____________ (n.) 11. The animal in the picture is called s_________ in English, which can produce a horrible horrible smell when angry / frightened. 12.The things you hold onto while you are riding a bike. h__ __ __ __ __bars. (n.) 13.To throw a coin in the air in order to decide on something. to f________ a coin. (v.) 14.A small container for about 5 liters of water. p___________ (n.) Key words 1.Idiom : We weren't supposed to help each other with the homework. "Let every man skin his own skunk," the teacher said. The motorists honked at the sheep that were clogging the roadway. 2.How does a radar work ? 3. I know that these flowers will tickle her pink. What you told her just tickled her to death! She was almost breathless. Questions What are some other stupid laws that you have ever heard of ? Share!