Face-2-face 第二阶段 Unit9. All in a day's work

Face-2-face 第二阶段 Unit9. All in a day's work

2017-05-25    22'07''

主播: kobeghy

110 7

Unit.9 All in a day’s work The meeting Vocabulary Work Grammar Present Continuous for “now” Review jobs ; common verbs Quick Review Work in Pairs. Write all the jobs you know? Do you know any people with these jobs? Tell your partner about them. Tick the words you know and match them with the pictures below a customer a report notes a letter a message a contract a company a meeting a conference Which word doesn’t go with the verbs 1)write customers / letters / report 2)answer the phone / notes/ emails 3)Take contracts / messages/ notes 4)Work for a company /in an office / a report 5)sign contracts/ letters /meetings 6)Go to meetings / contracts /conferences 7)Write to a contract/ customer / company 9.1 Look at the picture 1 and 2 , It’s 9:50 am. where are they ? Listen. What is Frank’s problem ? Listen again and choose the correct answers 1.Frank isn’t at work because the bus / train was late. 2.The meeting with Tamada brothers is at ten / eleven o’clock. 3.Frank wants Janet to start the meeting / wait for him. 4.The contract is Frank’s / Janet’s 5.Adriana is in the office / at home. 6.Janet wants Liz to take notes in the meeting / finish some reports. Who says these sentences ? Frank ,Janet or Liz? 1.I’m waiting for a taxi. 2.They’re sitting in your office. 3.They aren’t looking very happy. 4.She’s working at home today. 5.I’m not doing anything import at the moment. 6.Danny isn’t doing anything. Grammar Present continuous Positive negative I’m Verb+ing I’_____ not Verb+ing You/we/they _______ You/we/they _____ not He/she/it ______ He/she/it ______ not Write the ing form of these verbs play playing smoke _________ study ________ sit ________ look __________ go ___________ run __________ write _________ live __________ stop __________ 9.2 Listen and practice I’m waiting for a taxi. 9.3 Look at picture 3. Liz is talking to Danny. It’s 9:55 a.m. Put the verbs in Present Continuous. Liz: Danny, are you busy ? Danny: Well, I’m ________(write) a letter. Liz: Can you take notes at the meeting , please? Danny : Why me ? Look, Bob _______ (read) the newspaper. Ask him. Liz: He _______ (not read) the newspaper. He ________ (study) the business pages. Danny : Well, I _________ (wait) for a phone call from New York. Liz : They _________ (not work) in New York now, Danny. It’s 5:00 a.m. There ! Danny : OK, OK. I __________ (go) now. Which room ? Practice : Now it’s 10:05 a.m. What are these people doing now ? Do you think? 1.Janet 2. Bob 3. The Tamada bothers 4. Danny 5. Frank 6. Liz 9.4 It’s now 10:15 a.m. Frank is phoning Liz. Listen and answer the questions 1)Where is Frank calling from ? 2)Is the taxi moving ? 3)What are Janet and Danny doing ? 4)Where are they having the meeting ? 5)What is Frank doing at the end of the phone call? 9.5 Who signs the contract, do you think ? Janet or Frank ? Listen and check. It’s now 6:30 p.m. Frank is talking to his wife, Karen, on the phone. Make questions in the present continuous. Frank : Hi! It’s me. Karen: Hello, darling. you / still/ work? Are you still working ? Frank: No, I’m having a drink with Liz. I signed the contract today. Karen: Oh, that’s wonderful. you/have/a nice time? ____________________________? Frank: Yes , thanks. What / you / do ? _________________________________? Karen: I’m making dinner. Frank : the kids / do / their homework ? ____________________________________? Karen : Oh, no. They aren’t. Frank : What / they / do ? ______________________________________? Karen: They’re watching TV. Strike Vocabulary transport Grammar present simple or present continuous? Help with listening linking (2) Review question forms Quick Review Write six actions (get up; watch TV;etc.) Work in pairs, take turns to mime the actions to your partner. He/she guesses what you are doing. Vocabulary Transport Draw pictures of six types of transport. Take turns to show your pictures and say what the pictures are. Match phrases 1-6 with a) - f) 1. go by bike 2. go on foot 3. go by plane 4.go by car 5.go by boat 6.go by train /tube/bus A)sail b) fly c) walk d) drive e) cycle f) take the train / bus / tube 9.8 Look at the newspaper headline. What is happening today? Listen to the news report about the strike and fill the table below How he/she usually gets to work ? How he/she is getting to work today? First man Woman Second man Listen again and answer these questions 1.When did the first man leave home ? 2.How long is his journey on a normal day? 3.Why does the woman usually cycle to work ? 4.How long is her journey to work on a normal day? 5.Why is the second man walking to work ? 9.9/ 9.10 Listen and practice 1)What do you think of the strike? 2)It’s about 40 minutes, that’s all. 3)And it’s taking a very long time. 4)Here’s someone on a bike. 5)I’m in the centre of the city. 6)The traffic isn’t moving at all. Do we usually use present simple (PS) or present continuous (PC) with the words ? usually ps now today sometimes always often normally at the moment never hardly ever every day 9.11 Listen and check Make questions about the people in 9.11 1. What does Ella do ? (do) 2._______ she _______ in the office today ? (work) 3.What ________ she ________ at the moment ? (do) 4._________ she _________ at home very often ?(work) 5.What _______ Albert and Rose usually _________ on Tuesday ? (do) 6.What _______ they _______ today ? (do) 7.________ Rose normally ________ TV in the day ? (watch) 8.________ she _______ the tennis match ? (enjoy) On the phone Real World phone messages ; talking on the phone Help with listening phone messages; Review can for requests and possibility; suggestions Read 1-3 and answer the questions A)what is Chris Morris’ job ? B)What type of play is Say Cheese!? C)What is the postcode of Morris Computers ? D)In which month is the conference ? E)How many phone calls does Emily want to make ? F)What is Chris Morris’ email address ? G)Who are the actors in Say Cheese! ? H)Is Katrina a friend or a customer, do you think? 9.12 Listen and fill the gaps with the words below voicemail person choose back Message press try 1.Hello, this is Alan Wick’s ___________. 2.If you leave a message, I’ll get ______ to you. 3.I’m sorry, but the _______ you called is not available. 4.Please leave your ________ after the tone. 5.Please _______ one of the following three options. 6.For any other enquiries, _______ three. 7.Please _______ later. 9.13 Listen to four messages. For each message, do you : A)hang up ? B)Leave a message ? C)Press a number on the phone ? 9.14 Listen and answer these questions 1.When does Emily want to : A) meet Alan Wick ? B) meet Katrina ? C) go to the theatre? 2.How much are the theatre tickets ? 9.15 Listen and choose the words/phrases people say Work in pairs. Answer these questions 1)Which conversation is a business call ? / call between friends ? 2)In which conversation do they plan to meet / talk later ? 3)Who is in a meeting ? Who works with Emily at 3DUK? 9.16 A) Asking to speak to some one B)saying who you are C) Calling people back D) other useful phrases Hello, can I speak to (Emily) please ? Hello, is that Chris Morris ? This is (Emily Wise), from (3DUK). It’s (Katrina) speaking . Can I call you back? I’ll call you later ? Can you call me back ? I got your message Call me on my mobile Hold on a moment I’ll get him/ her. 9.17 Katrina : Hello, is that Simon Dale ? Simon: Speaking. Katrina: Hi, Simon. ___________ is Katrina Clark. Simon: Oh, hello. Katrina. Look, I can’t talk right now. ____________ you back ? Katrina: Yes, of course. _____________ my mobile. Simon : Right. I’ll _______________ later. Bye. Katrina : Hi, Veronica. ___________Katrina. Veronica: Hi, Katrina, how are you ? Katrina : I’m fine, thanks. ____________ to Rob, please ? Veronica: ____________ a moment. I’ll get him. Katrina: Hello, Katrina. I __________ your message. Let’s meet at 8:30 outside the cinema. Katrina : OK. See you then. Bye. The adventure centre Vocabulary indoor and outdoor activities ; adverbs and adjectives Review can and can’t Quick review Work in pairs and write all the telephone phrases that you can remember. Tick the words you know and match them with the pictures Swim ski type surf windsurf sail sing cook drive Speak another language use a computer ride a horse ride a motorbike Play tennis play chess play a musical instrument Read the job advert below. Would you like to do the job ? Why or why not? Read Melanie’s reference Do you think she is a good person for the job ? If so, find out six reasons why she can do the job? Grammar We use adjectives to describe nouns. They usually come before the nouns. We use adverbs to describe verbs. They usually come after the verbs. Practice Write the adverbs 1.quick quickly 2.happy 3.fast ___________ 4.slow ___________ 5.careful __________ 6.hard __________ 7.quiet ___________ 8.bad ___________ Choose the correct words 1.I’m a good /well tennis player. 2.I usually sleep quite bad/badly. 3.I work very hard / hardly. 4.I always do my English work very careful / Carefully. 5.I’m a bad/badly driver. 6.I speak more than one language fluent/fluently. 7.I’m a very well / good cook. 9.18 Listen to the song Dancing in the Street and put the sentences in order. A)For dancing in the street. B)Are you ready for a brand new beat? C)They’re dancing in Chicago. D)Calling out around the world E)Down in New Orleans. F)Summer’s here and the time is right. G)In New York City. Chorus H)They will be dancing, they are dancing in the street. I)There’ll be music everywhere. J)All we need is music, sweet music. K)So come on everyone, grab guy, grab a girl, everywhere around the world. L)Dancing in the street, Oh M)It doesn’t matter what you wear, just as long as you are there. N)They’ll be swinging, swaying, and records playing. O)There’ll be laughing, singing and music playing. P)A chance for folks to meet. Q)Philadelphia, PA, Baltimore and DC now. R)This is an invitation across the nation. S)Dancing in the street. T)Can’t forget the motor city. Chorus Way down in LA , every day. They’re dancing in the street ... ... Review 1.Write two words/ phrases that can go with the verbs sign a contract , a name write _____________________ write to_____________________ answer ______________________ take ________________________ work for /in __________________ go to________________________ 2.Put the words in correct form of present continuous Mum: Jim, can you help me ? Jim: Sorry, mum, I’m doing my home work . (do) Mum: What _____ your sister _______? (do) Jim: She ______ _______ a shower.(have) Mum: And what _______ Gary and Sam _______ ? (do) Jim: They ________ ________ playing football. (play) But Dad _____ _____ anything. (do) Dad: Yes, I am. I _______ __________ the paper. Mum: Not any more. 3.Put the verbs in the present simple or present continuous. 1) Where does your best friend work or study ? 2) What _______ your best friend ________ at the moment ? 3) Which TV program _________ you _________ every week ? (watch) 4) What ________ your parents__________ today do you think?(do) 5) Where ________ you usually _________ on Friday evenings ? (go) 6) What ________ the teacher ________ now ? (do) 4.Tick the things you can do in English 1. ( )I can talk about things people do at work. 2. ( )I can describe things that