驻下英语Level 2 / Allergy Season (2)

驻下英语Level 2 / Allergy Season (2)

2017-06-02    12'34''

主播: kobeghy

101 9

更多精彩内容 尽在@驻下英语美术 Allergy Season Fill the gaps with the words below Suffer hair cough breathe test 1.Can the doctor _______me for allergies? 2.Bob ____from headaches. 3.I ______a lot during the winter. 4.You can ____the clean air. 5.Does she have long or short ______? So they sneeze, or their eyes water? 1.我都流口水了________________________ 2.你能帮我给植物浇水吗?___________________________ People suffer from all kinds of allergies. 1.我不能容忍这种行为________________________ 2.你经常头痛吗?_________________________________ 3.恐怖分子会因此遭受恶果__________________________ 4.饥寒交迫_____________________________ A doctor can test you. 1.古老的智慧已经经受了时间的考验。________________________ 2.这种药物必须首先经过测试____________________________ 3.所有2,602名学生中,只有922名通过了测试。_________________________ Root test单独成词,也就是指 n. 测试, 试验 vt. 测试, 试验, 接受测验  testa + -ment(名词后缀,表“动作”,“过程”或“状态”)= testament n.遗嘱,证明,自白 (人类与上帝之间)的誓约。  将首字母大写,则会得到Testament,表示“圣经”。 而testament + -ary(表“……的”)= testamentary adj. 遗嘱的, 据遗嘱的, 遗嘱中有的  test + -ator(【拉丁】从动词转换成阳性动作执行者人的后缀)= testator n. 立遗嘱之人  test + -ify(【拉丁】后缀;表“做,建筑,导致,生产”)= testify vt.& vi. 证明,作证,声明  testi + -mony(【拉丁】形成名词后缀;表“动作的结果”)= testimony n. 证言,证据  testimony + ial(【拉丁】后缀,表与……相关)= testimonial n. 证明书;推荐书 adj. 证明的;褒奖的;表扬的 Questions What are some symptoms of allergic.