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背景音乐:Zac Brown Band-The Wind
At the beach
blanket umbrella surfboard surfing watersport
1.Let’s sit on this _____________.
2.The __________ will protect us from the sun.
3.Swimming is my favourite ____________.
4.I go ________ at the beach.
5.Can you stand on your ________ board?
Can you think of as many watersports as possible ?
Key words
I will probably grab a blanket, a book and an umbrella.
1.Don&`&t invite Nicole to the party. She&`&s such a wet blanket that she&`&ll probably just complain the whole time.
2. All his life, Edward felt that people looked down on him because he was born on the wrong side of the blanket.
3.After a long week of work, I like to just sit on the sofa and channel surf for a few hours.
4. Looks good, okay? How does that grab you?
5. The new position will be up for grabs for all staff in this company.
The difference between at the beach and on the beach
How to surf ? Listen and retell.