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The great baseball team
overseas typhoon elementary school village champion principal
1.Stay inside; a __________ is coming.
2.Not many people live in the _______________.
3.Children, go into the _______________ before they go to middle school.
4.The ___________ talked to the students once a week.
5.The ______ won all the games.
6.Ted is going ________ to study.
Key words
Everyone watched them with pride. proud adj. Proudly adv.
1. 他自豪地在舞台上接受奖项_____________________________________________________.
2. 他的自尊心让他不承认自己有错________________________________________________.
3. 她的家族为她的成就感到骄傲(proud)___________________________________________________.
4. 你有足够的理由为你的家乡感到骄傲(pride)____________________________________________.
principal and principle
4. 二战后,日本一直是中国的主要贸易伙伴_______________________________________.
1.Elizabeth must spend all day admiring herself in a mirror. She's as proud as a peacock.
2. He told me it's against his principles to drink alcohol.
3.The younger candidate won a landslide victory in the presidential election.
Why baseball is not popular in mainland China?