(歌曲分享)Be as you are(做自己)   Mike Posner

(歌曲分享)Be as you are(做自己) Mike Posner

2017-05-16    03'55''

主播: Lily🌄👂

175 6

Be As YouAre,做自己 Virginia woolf and poetry 读着Virginia woolf的书和她的诗 No one seemed to notice me 似乎无人察觉我的存在 Being young was getting so old 青春的年龄 却是垂老的外表 Cheap beer and cigarettes 沉迷在廉价烟酒中 Life was like a movie set 生活犹如电影场景 And I seemed to be given no role 而我却演着无名氏 But In times of trouble 当挫败困境降临 I can turn to my mother 我总向妈妈倾诉 And I know that she gon' understand 我知道她能明白我的苦楚 So at age 18 在我18岁时 I cried to my mother 我向妈妈哭诉 And she told me: young man 她对我说 年轻人 There are moments when you fall to the ground; 人生充满起起落落 But you are stronger than you feel you are now 但经历过了 你便会比此时更加强大 You don't always have to speak so loud no 你不必总是大声呼喊 不 Just be as you are 就做真实的自己 Life Is not always a comfortable ride 生活并非一帆风顺 Everybody's got scars that they hide 每个人都有不愿展现的伤疤 And everybody plays the fool sometimes yeah 甚至有时我们还得扮演傻瓜 Just be as you are 就做真实的自己 They played me on the radio 他们在电台点播我的歌 And everything was changing so 一切都已改变 I thought I was all the way grown 我以为我一直在成长 But I can still remember In that cold november 但我仍记得那个寒冷冬夜 When I realized I'm all alone 当我意识我一直孑然一身 But In times of trouble 但当挫败困境降临 I can turn to my mother 我可以向妈妈倾诉 And I know that she gon' understand 我知道她能明白我的苦楚 So at age 22 在我22岁时 I cried to my mother 我向妈妈哭诉 And she told me young man 她对我说 年轻人 There are moments when you fall to the ground 人生总是此起彼落 But you are stronger than you feel you are now 但经历过了 你便会比此时更加强大 You don't always have to speak so loud no 你不必总是大声呼喊 不 Just be as you are 就做真实的自己 It doesn't matter If you become some star 你能否成为闪耀之星并不重要 Life Is better when you open your heart 当你敞开心扉 生活会变得美好 You don't always have to act so hard no 你不必时刻都刻意表现 Just be as you are 就做真实的自己 Just be as you are 就做真实的自己 Be as you are 做真实的自己 Be as 就做 Be as you are 做真实的自己 Be as you are 做真实的自己 Be as you are 做真实的自己 Be as you are 做真实的自己 Be as 就做 Be as you are 做真实的自己 If I'm speaking truthfully 坦白说来 I'm not who I used to be 我早已不是从前的自己 And I know some people might laugh 我知道有些人会嘲讽我 Cause my music doesn't sound the same 因为我的音乐不再一样 And my head's no longer shaved 我开始留起胡子 I'm worried If I'm on the right path 我总是担心我是否走在正确的道路上 But In times of trouble 但每当进退维谷 I can turn to my mother 我总是求助于母亲 And I know that she gon' understand 我知道她会懂我 So at age 26 在我26岁时 I spoke to my mother 我对妈妈说 And she told me young man 她对我说 年轻人 There are moments when you fall to the ground 人生总是此起彼落 But you are stronger than you feel you are now 但经历过了 你便会比此时更加强大 You don't always have to speak so loud no 你不必总是大声呼喊 不 Just be as you are 就做真实的自己 It doesn't matter If you become some star 你能否成为闪耀之星并不重要 Life Is better when you open your heart 当你敞开心扉 生活会变得美好 You don't always have to act so hard no 你不必时刻都刻意表现 Just be as you are 就做真实的自己 Be as you are 做真实的自己 Be as you are 做真实的自己 Be as you are 做真实的自己 Be as 就做 Be as you are 做真实的自己 Be as you are 做真实的自己 Be as you are 做真实的自己 Be as you are 做真实的自己 Be as 就做 Be as you are 做真实的自己 Be as you are 做真实的自己