

2016-12-19    11'58''

主播: 大本电台

339 8

What is the 1-Hour-A-Day Challenge? 什么是“每天一小时挑战活动”? The 1-hour-a-day challenge was created by Benjamin Franklin, who essentially lived by this challenge. He would set aside 1 hour every day to do something different and meaningful that allowed him to achieve a goal to provide himself the time and opportunity to learn and grow as a person while having ‘me-time.’ “每天一小时挑战活动” 是由本杰明•富兰克林创立的,他基本上一直生活在这一挑战之中。他会每天抽出一小时的时间来做一些不同的有意义的事情,来让自己实现一个目标,在享受“自我时间”的时候,他能够有机会学习成长为一个真正的男人。 Me-time is something that many people just don’t do anymore let alone make time for; instead, we rush around, trying to complete everything on our schedule daily. Franklin, however, valued this time as an opportunity to do what he pleased and would wake up daily and ask, “What good will I do today?” Similarly, he would end each day by asking “What good have I done today?” 许多人早就不再拥有自己的专属时间,更别提抽时间出来了;而相反,我们整天忙忙碌碌,努力完成每天日程表上的每一件事情;然而,富兰克林却将自己的专属时间作为一个机会,来做自己喜欢的事情,而且每天醒来都会问自己“我今天做什么好呢?”同样地,他在每天结束的时候都会问自己“我今天都做了什么好事呢?” What is the purpose of the 1-Hour-A-Day Challenge? “每天一小时挑战活动”的目的是什么呢? The purpose of this challenge is simple: you set goals for yourself and you accomplish them with the time that you set aside for yourself daily. The point is to learn and continue to grow as a person instead of letting your life take control. 这一挑战的目的很简单:你给自己设定目标,然后你每天抽出一段时间给自己,用这段时间来完成你的目标。重点就是学习继续成长为真正的一个人,而不是被自己的生活控制自己。 I view it as a reminder not to let life pass me by. Think about it: we work, do what we have to do, but we don’t always do what WE want to do. We often say, “Maybe later,” but we never actually come around and act on it. We seem to let our dreams, goals, and me-time pass us by because we have better or more productive things to do. 我将这段时间视为一个提醒,提醒自己不要让生活从我身边溜走。想想这一点:我们工作,做我们必须做的事情,但是我们往往并不是在做我们想做的事情。我们总是说“或许晚点再做吧”,但是我们实际上一直都没有时间去做自己想做的事情。我们似乎让自己的梦想,目标和自我时间从身边溜走了,因为我们有更好的或者更有成效的事情需要去做。 This inadvertently means that life is just slipping by because we put our personal growth, exploration and time for ourselves on pause. The 1-hour-a-day challenge is designed to remind us to grow as a person, and to do things for ourselves in life that make us happy; it is also there to get us to break free of ruts. 这不经意间意味着生活只是在溜走,因为我们将自己的个人成长,探索和自我时间停止了。“每天一小时挑战活动”设计的初衷是提醒我们要作为一个人成长,生活中为自己做一些让自己开心的事情;也是让我们打破陈规的一种方式。