How Heavy the Days!这日子多么沉重!

How Heavy the Days!这日子多么沉重!

2019-10-16    01'34''

主播: 最英语MostEnglish

184 1

我哭泣,静默,凄凄看着 《How Heavy the Days!》 诗歌|赫尔曼•黑塞 朗读|Faye --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- How Heavy the Days! How heavy the days are. 这日子多么沉重。 There’s not a fire that can warm me. 没有火可以温暖我。 Not a sun to laugh with me. 没有太阳与我同乐。 Everything bare, Everything cold and merciless. 一切都那么空洞、冰冷、无情。 And even the beloved, clear stars look desolately down, Since I learned in my heart that love can die. 甚至连我挚爱的耀眼星辰都凄凄看着我, 因此我明白了爱情终会死亡。