

2019-12-30    01'36''

主播: 最英语MostEnglish

384 3

他再也没有提起过那个女孩 作品|电影《海上钢琴师》 朗读|Faye --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 《The Legend of 1900》 He never mentioned her to me again, and I never asked. 他再也没有向我提起过那个女孩,我也没有再问过。 At least not for the next twelve crossings. 至少在接下来的十二次航行中不曾再提。 Besides, he was happy just like always. 另外,他又回复到往常般的快乐。 His popularity was at its peak. 他的人气到达顶峰。 None of us could have imagined what was smoldering beneath the ashes of his apparent happiness. 我们没有人知道在他快乐开朗的外表下面藏着怎样的情绪。 Then one evening in spring, halfway between Genoa and New York, right in the middle of the ocean, the painting fell. 然后在一个春天的傍晚,在热那亚到纽约的半路上,就在大海中央,画掉下来了。