

2020-02-26    02'28''

主播: 最英语MostEnglish

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我到镇上的第一年是场灾难。 作品|电影《怦然心动》 朗读|Faye --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 《Flipped》 The minute I walked into Miss Yelson’s classroom. 我一走进叶桑老师的教室。 It was clear. 很明显。 School would not be a sanctuary. 学校不会是避风港。 I was branded for life. 我一辈子被烙印了。 My first year in town was a disaster. 我到镇上的第一年是场灾难。 And the next three weren’t much better. 接下来三年也好不到哪里去。 But finally, in the sixth grade, I took action. 但到了六年级,我终于采取了行动。 I hatched the plan. 我拟了计划。 I asked out Sherry Stalls. 我约了Sherry Stalls出去。 To fully appreciate the brilliance of this plan, you have to understand that Juli had always hated Sherry Stalls, though I never understood why. 想要了解这个计划的绝妙之处,你就必须要知道Juli一直都很讨厌Sherry Stalls,尽管我始终不懂为什么。 Sherry was nice, friendly and she had a lot of hair. Sherry亲切和善,头发又多。