

2020-03-09    02'28''

主播: 最英语MostEnglish

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七年级的确有了改变。 作品|电影《怦然心动》 朗读|Faye --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 《Flipped》 Seventh grade brought changes, all right. 七年级的确有了改变。 But the biggest one didn’t happen at school. 但最大的改变不是发生在学校。 It happened at home. 而是发生在家里。 My grandfather came to live with us. 我外公搬来跟我们一起住。 Mom said he stared like that because he missed Grandma. 妈妈说他会那样凝视,是因为他想念外婆。 That was not something Grandpa would ever talk about with me. 外公绝对不会跟我谈这件事的。 As a matter of fact, he never talked about much of anything with me. 事实上,他从来都不怎么跟我聊天。 That is, until Juli appeared in the local newspaper. 直到Juli出现在本地报纸上。