

2020-03-25    02'26''

主播: 最英语MostEnglish

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我不想伤她的心。 作品|电影《怦然心动》 朗读|Faye --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 《Flipped》 It didn’t feel right to lie. 我不喜欢说谎。 Besides, even a seventh grader would know that entire families aren’t allergic to eggs. 而且七年级学生都知道,哪有全家都对鸡蛋过敏的。 But I didn’t wanna hurt her feelings either. 但我也不想伤她的心。 So that left me with only one option. 所以我只剩一个选择。 And thus another near-death experience in my ongoing saga with Juli Baker had been successfully avoided. 于是在我与Juli Baker的长篇故事中又多了一次九死一生的经验。 Until one week later. 直到一周后。 What I hoped would be a one-time event, was just the beginning of a life consumed with lies, intrigue and deception. 我本来希望只发生一次,却变成一辈子谎言、阴谋和欺骗的开始。