

2020-04-27    02'29''

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我知道她没有原谅我。 作品|电影《怦然心动》 朗读|Faye --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 《Flipped》 I had to sit across from Juli for an entire dinner. 整场晚餐我都必须坐在Juli对面。 My dad was right. 我爸说的对。 We should have barbecued. 我们应该烤肉的。 I wanted to say that a lot of people liked that tree, but I didn’t. 我想说很多人喜欢那棵树,但是我没说出口。 I didn’t want to go against my dad. 我不想跟我爸做对。 The more Matt and Mark talked about their musical exploits, the quieter my dad got. Matt和Mark越聊他们在音乐上的成绩,我爸就变得越安静。 He tried to plaster on a smile now and then, but underneath he seemed really sad. 他试着时不时挤出笑容,但笑容底下的他似乎很悲伤。 The rest of the evening was painless enough. 那晚剩下的时间都很平淡。 But through it all, Juli didn’t say a word to me. 但整个过程里,Juli没跟我说过一句话。 Never even looked at me. 看都没看我一眼。 Until she was about to leave. 直到她要离开时。 Her apology made things worse. 她的道歉让我更难受。 I knew I wasn’t forgiven. 我知道她没有原谅我。