

2017-04-05    04'20''

主播: TFBOYS皇冠King 电台

22468 778

不完美小孩 Imperfect Child 原唱:TFBOYS 翻唱:TF_OrangeEidola英文站 When my smiles are like a shining sun 当我的笑灿烂像阳光 当我的梦做得够漂亮 When I make my dream truly come 这世界才为我鼓掌 Only then this world would give me applause 只有你担心我受伤 But only you care if I&`&m sound 全世界在等我飞更高 All the world waits for me to fly higher 你却心疼我小小翅膀 But you worry about my little wings 为我撑起 Prop up for me 沿途休息的地方 A place to rest in the journey 当我必须像个完美的小孩 When I have to act just like a perfect child 满足所有人的期待 To fulfill what people expect 你却好像 格外欣赏 But you seem to, appreciate more 我犯错犯傻的模样 When I&`&m making silly errors 我不完美的梦 你陪着我想 My imperfect dream, you dream it with me 不完美的勇气 你说更勇敢 My imperfect courage, you said be braver 不完美的泪 你笑着擦干 My imperfect tear, you wipe off with smiles 不完美的歌 你都会唱 My imperfect songs, you can sing them all 我不完美心事 你全放在心上 My imperfect troubles, you keep them all in mind 这不完美的我 你总当作宝贝 Such an imperfect me, you take as a treasure 你给我的爱也许不完美 但却最美 The love you gave me may not be perfect, but it&`&s the best 全世界在催着我长大 The whole world is rushing me to grow up 你却总能捧我在手掌 But you always hold me in your palms 为我遮挡 To shelter me 未知的那些风浪 From those unknown waves and winds 当我努力做个完美的小孩 When I try my best to be a perfect child 满足所有人的期待 To fulfill what people expect 你却不讲 You don&`&t even 你的愿望 Say your wish out 怕增添我肩上重量 You don&`&t want to add burden on me 我不完美的梦 你陪着我想 My imperfect dream, you dream it with me 不完美的勇气 你说更勇敢 My imperfect courage, you said be braver 不完美的泪 你笑着擦干 My imperfect tear, you wipe off with smiles 不完美的歌 你都会唱 My imperfect songs, you can sing them all 我不完美心事 你全放在心上 My imperfect troubles, you keep them all in mind 这不完美的我 你总当作宝贝 Such an imperfect me, you take as a treasure 你给我的爱也许不完美 但却最美 The love you gave me may not be perfect, but it&`&s the best 我不完美的梦 你陪着我想 My imperfect dream, you dream it with me 不完美的勇气 你说更勇敢 My imperfect courage, you said be braver 不完美的泪 你笑着擦干 My imperfect tear, you wipe off with smiles 不完美的歌 你都会唱 My imperfect songs, you can sing them all 我不完美心事 你全放在心上 My imperfect troubles, you keep them all in mind 这不完美的我 你总当作宝贝 Such an imperfect me, you take as a treasure 你给我的爱也许不完美 但却最美 The love you gave me may not be perfect, but it&`&s the best 你给我的爱也许不完美 但却最美 The love you gave me may not be perfect, but it&`&s the best