

2019-12-19    01'33''

主播: Kim🐈🌱

805 7

参考文本: The next day Abanazar arrived at Aladdin’s house. “My sister!” he said and smiled. “My dead brother’s wife! I am happy to find you and Aladdin.” 第二天阿巴那扎尔来到阿拉丁的家中。我的嫂子!他微笑道,我死去的兄弟的妻子!我很高兴能找到你和阿拉丁。 “Sit down, Abanazar. We’re happy to see you in our poor home,” Aladdin’s mother said. “She put meat, rice and fruit on the table. 快请坐,阿巴那扎尔。很高兴在我们的寒舍见到你,”阿拉丁的母亲说。她把肉,米饭和水果摆上桌。 But I don’t understand. Why did my husband never speak about you? I am sorry, my sister. 但我还是不明白,我丈夫怎么从来都没有提起过你呢?我很惭愧,嫂子。 When we were young, my brother and I were not friends for many years. Then I went away to a far country. 我们都还年轻的时候,我和我兄弟的关系有很多年都不是很好。后来我就离家去了一个遥远的国度。 I am an old man now and wanted to see my brother again and take his hand. But he is dead, and I cannot speak to him or say goodbye to him now! 现在我老了,想再见到我的兄弟,跟他和好。但他已辞世,我不能和他说话,也不能和他说再见了!