

2016-10-13    00'57''

主播: 英语小小孩

17 1

Today we have two bone breaks in our class. One boy fell off a skateboard on the same day we went to fish. The other boy was playing with his friend and his friend was pushing him on a playground, then he fell on the ground. These two kids both went to the emergency room, and one of them stayed in hospital for two days. It was very painful! We have to be careful when we are playing. We need to exercise more in order to be flexible. 感恩节假期结束后,班里有两个小朋友骨折了。一个是玩滑板时摔倒了。另一个是和朋友玩时被推倒在地上受伤了。他们都去了急诊,其中一个还住院两天治疗(在加拿大妈妈生宝宝也仅需住院两天),太痛苦了!我们玩的时候都需要小心,也要经常锻炼让身体更灵活。