Today we are going to talk about how Halloween started. Before Halloween was called, it is called Hallows evening, but they shortened it into "h a l l o w e e n". It was celebrated in Rome, England, and Ireland. People hang a wet towel in front of their house on 30th October, and in midnight the towel go blown away. The floating towel in the air looks like a ghost. People dress in costumes of ghosts to scare away the spirits. People go trick or treating for candy to celebrate it.
Halloween可是加拿大的一个大节日。提前很久,商店里就开始卖Halloween相关的衣服、装饰品、道具、食品。还有一个专门卖Halloween商品的连锁商店,每年只在Halloween期间租场地和销售商品,生意很好。每个家庭会在自己的前院布置鬼魂、墓地、可怕的动物等各种装饰品。周一,学校里每一个人,包括校长、老师、学生,都穿着自己的Halloween衣服到学校。学校还组织了Halloween舞会,所有学生都参加,一起乱跳。周一晚上晚饭后,我和小朋友一起去邻居挨家挨户敲门,大喊trick or treat。邻居就会给薯片、巧克力、糖果等各种snack。最后要来好多snack,足够吃半年!