

2016-12-05    00'41''

主播: 英语小小孩

26 1

Do you remember I told yo guys that two kids in our class broke their arms last month? Now they are okay because we gave them courage to defeat pains. How to do it? When they got hurt first day of school, all kids in the class signed our names on their cast to encourage them. After that, their cast became colorful and smelly because we used smelly marks. Hope your class could encourage you using this way! 还记得上个月班里两个同学骨折的事吗?(点击班里同学骨折了!了解)现在他们基本痊愈了,因为我们全班同学给了他们很多鼓励去战胜痛苦。怎么做呢?当他们受伤后第一天上学的时候,班里所有的同学在他们固定骨折胳膊的石膏上签字,用这种方式鼓励他们。签完名字后,他们胳膊上的石膏变得五颜六色和有香味,因为我们用了带香味的mark笔。如果你班里有小朋友也遇到这种情况时,你也可以用这种方式鼓励他们!