Weird again 又有怪事

Weird again 又有怪事

2017-01-20    00'45''

主播: 英语小小孩

20 1

Today is also a weird day! A girl in my class threw up today. When we were packing up all stuffs at home time, she threw up suddenly on her locker. After that, she went to the office and the principal asked if she was ok. Then our teacher cleaned the mass. I think she threw up because she ate bad lunch and she was shocked by a movie that has blood in it. I bet tomorrow will also be weird. 今天又发生了奇怪的事!班里一个女同学吐了。下午放学我们收拾东西的时候,她在她的locker前边突然吐了。然后她去了office,校长询问了她的情况。接着我们的老师清扫了她的呕吐物。我觉得她呕吐是因为她午餐吃了坏东西,还有就是她被我们下午看的一个有血腥场面的电影吓坏了。我敢打赌明天还会有奇怪的事发生。