

2017-03-30    03'26''

主播: 英语小小孩

68 7

川普女婿主导白宫“美国创新办公室”工作 美国总统川普让他的女婿负责将联邦政府转型为一个有效率的企业。 与川普的女儿伊万卡结婚的第二代房地产投资商贾里德·库什纳将领导白宫新成立的“美国创新办公室”。 在星期一的白宫例行简报会上,新闻秘书没有理会媒体对36岁的库什纳,一名政府管理的新人,是否有资格领导转型的问题所提出的质疑。 库什纳已经在负责的其他重要事项包括中东和平进程,以及担任他的岳父在中国和墨西哥等国家问题上的重要顾问。 白宫官员说,新办公室的成员将包括以前的商业公司主管,他们将在西厅工作。 Trump Son-in-Law to Lead New White House 'Office of American Innovation' U.S. President Donald Trump is putting his son-in-law in charge of an effort to make the federal government run more like an efficient business. Jared Kushner, a second-generation real estate investor who is married to Trump’s daughter, Ivanka, is to lead the new White House Office of American Innovation. At Monday's daily White House briefing, the press secretary brushed off questions about whether the 36-year-old Kushner, a newcomer to government, is qualified to lead the transformation. Other weighty matters already are assigned to Kushner, including the Middle East peace process and being his father-in-law’s lead advisor on countries such as China and Mexico. The office is to be staffed with former business executives operating out of the West Wing, according to White House officials.