

2017-05-13    01'56''

主播: 英语小小孩

33 1

A primary school is grading parents on how much they support their children, it has emerged. Parents are marked from A to D based on their involvement with their children’s education. The system is intended to improve the children's performance at school by encouraging their mothers and fathers to attend events, such as parents’ evenings and plays, and help with learning at home. Telling a parent what the impact their lack of engagement is having on the life chances of their child is not easy. But for many children at this school, it is making a huge difference. 英国一所小学根据家长对孩子学习的支持度对他们进行打分。该小学根据家长对孩子教育的参与情况,将他们划分为A到D四个等级。这一制度旨在通过鼓励家长参与到孩子的学习活动中来,例如父母晚上陪着孩子、跟孩子一起玩、在家辅导孩子学习,从而改进孩子在学校的表现。让一名家长意识到,他对孩子学习参与不够对孩子的人生机遇有多么大的影响,并没这么容易。但对该校许多孩子来说,这个制度将产生重要影响。