

2017-06-05    02'12''

主播: 英语小小孩

219 9

The world's first operational Robotcop has been unveiled in Dubai as part of the emirate's planned robot police force. At 5ft 5in tall and weighing 100kg, it can speak six languages and is designed to read facial expressions. The machine has a built-in tablet so people can use it to pay fines or report crimes, and can also transmit and receive messages from police headquarters. The robot police officer has the ability to scan faces from 20 metres away and bears a touchscreen on its chest which members of the public can use to report crimes. 世界首个机器人警察在迪拜投入使用,这是阿联酋规划的机器人警察部队的一员。这个机器人身高大约1.65米,体重100公斤,会说6种语言,根据程序设计,还可以读懂人们的面部表情。该机器人身上嵌入了一个平板设备,这样人们可以在他那里缴纳罚款,或者报告犯罪线索,还可以从警察总局那里传输和接收消息。机器人警察可以在20米外扫描人脸,胸前还有一块触摸屏,公众可以用它来报告犯罪线索。