

2017-06-29    00'58''

主播: 英语小小孩

37 1

Every time you go to the other side of the world you have a jet's leg. Hahaha! It is actually called Jet Lag. For example, I just came back from the eastern hemisphere, which is on the other side of the world, and lunchtime at 12 o'clock should be night for me! Weird, right? Here's the real weird part: first, you have to take a week to stand the time, but, in the middle of the week sometimes you are awake for 24 HOURS! Also you might feel hungry when you're sleeping, especially at 12 am,5 am, and 7 am. Jet lag is very weird! 每次你去世界另一边的时候都会有“飞机的腿”,实际上是会有“时差”。例如,我这次从学校请假去东半球玩,回来后我会感觉加拿大的晚上12点时我应该吃午饭!奇怪吧。时差会给人各种奇怪的感觉:你会花一周来适应当地时间,有时你会连续24小时是清醒的,有时你睡觉的时候会感觉很饿,尤其是晚上12点、凌晨5点和早上7点。时差让我错乱! 这周我回到加拿大后,每天上午去学校,在学校会打几个哈欠,中午回家从12点睡到下午5点,晚上从10点睡到凌晨3点就会醒来,然后饿了去吃东西,weird!