In a discovery that will give nutritionists the shivers, a Japanese scientist has discovered that consuming ice cream for breakfast improves a person's alertness and mental performance. Yoshihiko Koga, a professor at Tokyo's Kyorin University, has carried out a series of clinical trials in which test subjects were required to eat ice cream immediately after waking up. They were then put through a series of mental exercises on a computer. Compared to a group that had not eaten ice cream, Prof Koga's subjects exhibited faster reaction times and better information-processing capabilities, the Excite News web site reported. Monitoring of the subjects' brain activity revealed an increase in high-frequency alpha waves, which are linked to elevated levels of alertness and reduced mental irritation.
一位日本科学家的发现让营养学家们“不寒而栗”,他称,早餐摄入冰淇淋可以改善一个人的机敏度和思维表现。东京杏林大学教授古贺佳彦进行了一系列临床实验,他要求测试者起床后立刻食用冰淇淋。随后让他们在电脑上进行一系列脑力测试。据Excite News网站报道,古贺佳彦发现,与没有摄入冰淇淋的一组相比,摄入冰淇淋的测试者反应速度更快,且处理信息的能力更强。监视显示,测试者大脑活动中的高频α波有所增加,这种脑波与提高灵敏度和降低精神刺激有关。