

2017-07-17    00'55''

主播: 英语小小孩

13 1

“冰淇淋产业正试图做出更有益健康的产品,推出低热量、低碳水化合物的冰淇淋,这已然是当下的趋势,但是比起冻酸奶产业,冰淇淋还需迎头赶上。”安德烈说,“除了健康方面的考虑,冻酸奶产业率先推出了两项新服务——现场食用和加入自己喜欢的口味的馅料,这些优势也许让冻酸奶比冰淇淋稍微受欢迎一点。不过现在冰淇淋和冻酸奶都很受欢迎,两个市场都呈良性增长态势。”“冻酸奶”英文表达就是frozen yogurt,也可以简称为fro-yo。它既有冰淇淋的美味,又比冰淇淋更健康,所以已经成为很多人钟爱的夏日甜点,在一些地方风头甚至盖过了DQ之类的老牌冰淇淋店。 A trend has been that the ice cream industry is trying to get health-friendly, with low calories and low-carb options, but it is playing catch-up to frozen yogurt," Andre said. "Besides health concerns, two more innovations in the frozen yogurt industry-on-site consumption and the ability to add your own flavors and toppings-may give it a slight advantage in growing popularity, but both markets are growing relatively nicely.