

2018-10-05    01'26''

主播: 英语小小孩

171 1

Today we're going to talk about a term that is used by students all over America. It's a term used to abuse other people of following the teacher too much. And it's called the "teacher's pet". Basically if your are teacher's pet that means you follow the teacher every single time. You also agree with the teacher every single time. And you compliment teacher very much. In some school and in some people's eyes being a teachers pet is bad. 北美地区的学生经常用“teacher's pet”来批评和描述那些跟在老师屁股后边亦步亦趋的学生。如果每一次你都赞同老师的观点,每一次都听从老师的指令,并且过分夸张地称赞老师,那你就是“teacher's pet”。在很多地方和很多人的眼里,做“teacher's pet”是不被欣赏的。