Harvard researchers have developed an autonomous, fish-inspired robot swarm. These robots can synchronize their movements like a real school of fish without any external control. In nature, schools of fish exhibit complex, synchronized behaviours without following a leader. Individual fish make decisions based on what their neighbours do. This robot collective, dubbed Blueswarm, uses a 3D vision based coordination system and 3d locomotion. Each Bluebot is equipped with two cameras and three LED lights, for 3D vision of its schoolmates. The Bluebot moves freely in 3D using multiple fins, inspired by reef fish. Cameras detect the LEDs of neighbouring robots and the Bluebots use a custom algorithm to determine their distance and direction. Using this technique, the Bluebots can perform complex behaviours, including aggression, dispersion and milling. They can even perform a simple search mission. It is the first time researchers have demonstrated multiple complex behaviours in underwater swarms, without any external base stations or assistance. This research paves the way for future underwater swarms that can perform environmental monitoring where GPS and wifi are not available.