11.15 中医英语词汇小课堂(九) Apoplectic - Atrophic

11.15 中医英语词汇 小课堂(九) Apoplectic - Atrophic

2016-11-14    01'14''

主播: 国医之声 Voice of CM

53 12

国医之声-中医英语词汇小课堂(九) 1.Apoplectic Stroke n. 类中风(病名) 2.Apoplexy/stroke n.猝中(中风) 参考: Apoplexy: A venerable(庄重的,严肃的) term for a stroke, a cerebrovascular accident (CVA), often associated with loss of consciousness and paralysis of various parts of the body. In Greek “apo” means away from, "plexe" is a stroke. The ancients believed that someone suffering a stroke (or any sudden incapacity) had been struck down by the gods. 3. Areca n. 槟榔 4. Argyi Leaf/mugwort leaf n.艾叶;moxa n. 艾(艾灸里的艾) moxa stick 艾条,moxa cone 艾柱 5. Aromatic Drugs for Resolving Dampness n. 芳香化湿药 6. Arrhythmic Pulse n. 脉律不齐;cardiac arrhythmia 心律不齐 Bradycardia 心动过缓;tachycardia 心动过速;cardia 还有贲门,心窝之意。 7.Arthralgia n. 关节痛;arthritis 关节炎;algia 表疼痛的后缀。 8.Arthroncus n. 肢节肿痛,其中arthr-表关节,onkos在希腊语言中表bulk, mass体积大,庞大,一团一块之意。 9.Arthrodynia of Extremities n. 肢节烦疼;odynia 表Pain; chronic pain in 10.Ascites n. 腹水 11.Assembled Channels n. 宗脉(指经脉汇集之处) 12.Asthenopia n. 目昏(又名目昧;弱视证) ;asthen+ia在希腊语中表loss of strength and energy; weakness;在希腊语中op-, opt-, optico-, opsi-, opso-, -opia, -ops, -opsia, -opsis, -opsy, -optic, -opic, -opy 均表eye[s],sight,see, vision。 13.Asthma n. 哮喘 14.Atrophic adj. 萎缩的 中文部分:Dr. Li 英文部分:Dr. Daniel