12.18 中医英语一分钟小课堂:Coproma - Dementia

12.18 中医英语一分钟小课堂:Coproma - Dementia

2016-12-17    01'28''

主播: 国医之声 Voice of CM

169 9

国医之声-中医英语词汇小课堂(十七) 1.Coproma n. 燥屎/fecaloma;大便 stool,feces/poop(通俗) 2.Cough n. 咳嗽 3.Cramp n. 抽筋,痉挛;leg cramp 腿痉挛/charley horse(美加通俗语) 4.Cupping n. 拔罐 5.Curled-up Tongue n. 舌卷 6.Deafness n. 聋,听不清 7.Decoction n. 煎煮, 煮出的汁, 煎熬的药, 汤药 8.Decolorizing Complexion n. 脱色(症状,指面色不红润) 9.Decubitus Ulcer/Bedsores n. 褥疮,也可以说pressure ulcers 10.Defecating Before Passing Blood n. 先便后血(又名远血,指大便时出血) 11.Deficiency n. 虚,Blood Deficiency 血虚,Deficiency of Qi,Deficiency Syndrome n. 虚证 12.Delayed Dentition/Delayed Tooth Eruption/Late Teething. n. 齿不生(又名齿迟) 13.Delirium/Acute Confusional State n. 谵语 14.Delivery n. 分娩 参考: labor和delivery的区别- Labor refers to the period of time when the woman has contractions and is in pain before the baby is actually born. Delivery refers to the actually birth of the baby. 15.Dementia n. 痴呆(又名呆病)