NO.256  中医英语词汇一分钟小课堂(22):Epistaxis - 17.Exterior Pathogen

NO.256 中医英语词汇一分钟小课堂(22):Epistaxis - 17.Exterior Pathogen

2017-02-18    01'31''

主播: 国医之声 Voice of CM

208 6

国医之声-中医英语词汇一分钟小课堂(22) 1.Epistaxis/Nosebleed/Bloody Nose n. 鼻衄(鼻出血) 2.Erosion n. 糜烂 3,Erosive Aphthae n. 糜疳(满口糜烂) 4.Eructation/Belching(近似的还有Burping和Hiccups. n. 嗳气(打嗝, 喷出物, 喷 16.注:Hiccups and Belching 17.Hiccups usually produce repeated, small “hic” sounds, while belching releases gas in one blow, and produce the loud “burp” sound. 18.When the diaphragm contracts involuntarily, it immediately shuts the vocal cord, thus resulting to the “hic” sound of hiccups. 19.Hiccups can at last for a few minutes or so, while belching can only occur once or twice. 20. 5.Eruptive Disease n. 斑痧(痧证之一) 6.Erythema of Newborn n. 新生儿红斑;Rrythro - red,如erythrocyte红细胞 7.Esophagus n. 食道 8.Eutocia/Normal Labour n. 正产(指足月正常分娩),Eu-:well,而dystocia 难产 9.Excessive cold n. 实寒 10.Excreting Sperm n. 尿精(指精液随小便而出) 11.Exhaustion of Yin n. 脱阴(亡阴) 12.Exogenous Febrile Diseasen(Treatise on Exogenous Febrile Disease和Treatise on Cold Damage ),《 伤寒论》的英文翻译后者更准确。(高娟老师) 13.Expelling Wind and Nourishing Blood n. 祛风养血 14.Expiration and Inspiration n. 吐纳(呼吸) 15.Exterior and Interior n. 表里 16.Exterior Syndrome n. 表证 17.Exterior Pathogen n. 表邪