The Imaging of Acupuncture Points with fMRI and Ultrosound

The Imaging of Acupuncture Points with fMRI and Ultrosound

2017-04-01    10'01''

主播: 国医之声 Voice of CM

273 9

The Imaging of Acupuncture Points with fMRI and Ultrosound 功能性核磁共振成像及超声下的针灸穴位影像 Joie Jones(1) Young Bae(2) 制作、整理及翻译:魏巍医生 (本幻灯所有图片截图自相关Youtube视频) (1) Calfornia of University Irvine 加州大学欧文分校 (2) The Bae Institute of Immune Enhancement