If you want to buy our TCM English materials, please contact us via QQ or Wechat 1811670699. Than you!
Hello everyone!
The 5th class of Our 2017 Advanced TCM Enligsh will start at 20:00( Beijing time) on Saturday. Please follow the below introduction and prepare for the coming course:
1. Beijing time: 20:00 April 1, 2017.
2.Topics:Etiology and Pathogenesis.
3. Presenter: Philip Lee, LAc. USA
4. Modes of Teaching:
pdf+recording/voice messages.
40 min teaching+20 min Q&A.
5. Teaching resources:
login in our Baidu Cloud Network Drive and download.
follow our links of Wechat, Lizhi Fm and Podcast(subscribtion - http://www.lizhi.fm/rss/1312564.xml)。
Thank you!