NO.296   2017 Advanced TCM English(10): TCM Oral English in Lung Conditions

NO.296 2017 Advanced TCM English(10): TCM Oral English in Lung Conditions

2017-05-09    17'19''

主播: 国医之声 Voice of CM

115 7

Hello everyone! The 10th class of Our 2017 Advanced TCM Enligsh will start in the evening. Please follow the below introduction and prepare for the coming course: 1. Beijing time: 20:00 May 6, 2017. 2.Topics:TCM Oral English in Lung Conditions. 3. Presenter: Philip Lee, LAc. USA 4. Modes of Teaching: pdf+recording. 40 min teaching+20 min Q&A. 5. Teaching resources: login in our Baidu Cloud Network Drive and download. follow our links of Wechat, Lizhi Fm and Podcast(subscribtion -。 Thank you!