Being able to fall in love with more than one person at a time. No marriage has to be involved.
poly = more than one
poly这个前缀的意思是“不止一个”,那么polytechnic的意思是不是也可以想到啦?对,“不止一种技术”,也就是理工院校咯。例如,香港理工大学的英文就是The Hong Kong Polytechnic University。
amory = love
它的原型amour在法语中就是爱情(love)的意思,后来人们把amour做成了一个词根并引申了,am/em 都表示to love or friendly。比如,amiable (am=love, able=can) 可以爱的人,意思就是亲切的,和蔼可亲的啦。所以你看,Amy这个英文名字是不是看起来更有爱啦?
因此,poly + amory连起来也就是——不止一个爱人。
The state or ability of having more than one sexual loving relationship at the same time, with the full knowledge and consent of all partners involved. 同时有不止一个爱人的状态,其中每个人都知道并同意其他人的存在。
Polyamory differs from adultery because all the partners know about each others' lovers, so there is not secrecy or betrayal. 多元之爱与出轨不同,因为两方都知道彼此的另一个爱人,所以也就没有所谓的秘密或背叛。
Unlike polygamy, people in polyamorous relationships stress the importance of open communication and equal relationships between partners. 与一夫多妻制不同,多元之爱强调的是坦诚交流与平等的关系。
要谈polyamory,就不得不提一个大IP,美剧《纸牌屋》中的总统先生Frank Underwood。 在这部奥巴马都追的美剧中,当Frank Underwood发现自己老婆Claire出轨,他对她说了这么一段话。
He should stay on, because he can give you things that I can’t. Look, Claire, we’ve been a great team. But one person—one person cannot give everything to another person.
I can’t travel with you. I don’t keep you warm at night. I don’t see you the way he sees you. It’s not my permission to give, but you’ll do what’s right for you.
But I want you to know, if you wanted, I know you’ll be careful. And I’ll be fine. I mean, if we’re gonna go beyond marriage, let’s go beyond it.
其中让小碗印象最深的一句话是:Look, Claire, we’ve been a great team.
婚姻是什么?家庭意味着什么?是无条件的忠诚,不计前嫌的宽容,还是相濡以沫的照顾?Frank Underwood的答案是,we are a team。咱俩是一支队伍,是一条船上哒!而一支队伍的目标只有一个——前进。我们两个人结合的初衷是为了成就更好的自己,是为了一起走得更快更远,而不是为了束缚彼此。
也就是说,妻子和丈夫自制始终,都是两个独立的自由的成年人。如果传统的婚姻束缚了我们,那就让我们go beyond marriage, let’s go beyond it.