

2017-01-16    06'28''

主播: Ashley Z

624 6

选自沪江英语 In What Ways Does Your Body Improve When You Make a Habit of Running a Few Miles Every Day? 养成每天慢跑几公里的习惯有什么好处? 获得117好评的回答@Cathy Lee I started jogging from 2014, not everyday, basically 3 times one week (around 20km each week), here is what I benefit from jogging: 我从2014年开始慢跑,并非每天,基本是一周三次(大概一周跑20公里),以下是跑步带给我的益处: • Good sleep 良好的睡眠。 • More energy during daytime 白天精力更充沛。 • Good body shape and posture 漂亮的身形和站姿。 • More positive and confident 更积极、自信。 • Skin is better and better, even with less skin care 即使对皮肤很少保养,皮肤还是越来越好 • Pay more attention to the health, eat health, exercise health, work health etc. 更加关注健康,饮食健康,运动健康,以及工作健康等。 • Less anxiety and keep inner peace, and won't lose my temper easily just like before. 焦虑减,少内心平静,不再容易发脾气。 • Won't quit easily like before, can insist doing something longer than before. 不再轻易放弃,可以比以往坚持更久。 • Proud of myself that I can keep running over 2 years 对于自己可以坚持慢跑两年感到自豪。 获得133好评的回答@Jason Monte You get slimmer, but not necessarily building muscles. 你将变得更苗条,而且并不是绝对会长肌肉。 You get ill far less times than the average human. 你生病的次数会比一般人少很多。 Your metabolism is stronger. 你的新陈代谢系统将更强大。 Your blood flow is faster and you have more energy in the rest of the day and every day at all. 你的血流速度将更快,每一天你都将拥有充沛的精力。 Your brain functions faster. 你的大脑会运转得更快。 You're more happy. 你会更快乐。 获得166好评的回答@ Maryanna Quigless Increased insulin sensitivity 提高胰岛素敏感度。 Calorie burn 燃烧卡路里。 Muscle build 增加肌肉组织。 Stress reduction/emotional health 减压/利于心理健康。