It's fun time (原创民谣)

It's fun time (原创民谣)

2018-09-16    04'02''

主播: 刘昱欢原创音乐

5698 38

It's fun time 词曲、弹唱:刘昱欢 Nothing's like it used to be ,Everything has changed 逝者如斯,白驹过隙 I remember your sexy lips,Always confuse me 丹唇外朗,思之如狂 They are say I'm addicted,But they look down on me 嗤之以鼻,谓我迷离 It looks like I'm playing ,In fact, I play with you 乐不可支,逢场作戏 It's fun time ,oh touch me 趣味无穷,缠绵悱恻 It's fun time ,play with me 趣味无穷,虚情假意 It's fun time ,so stupid 趣味无穷,执迷不悟 It's fun time,fun time, fun time 趣味无穷,趣味无穷……