nature is speaking——sky

nature is speaking——sky

2016-11-16    11'19''

主播: Youni陈木兮

160 4

Look up. 抬头看 There I am. I am the Sky. 我在这里 I am a warm and protective blanket wrapped around everyone on Earth. 我散发温暖,保护地球上的每一个人 I can bring clouds, rain and the wind. I can be an ice storm. 风起云动雨飘,甚至狂风暴雨,都由我掌控 Without me, you'd fry. 没有我,你将受尽烈日煎熬 Every day, I am the breath you take in, yet you are making me sick. 我是你呼吸的每一口空气,但你却害我奄奄一息 I am congested, off-balance, polluted. 失去平衡,充满污染 You see, I am more delicate than you think. 其实我,比你所想的要脆弱 It took millions of years to get it just right — my perfect mix of gases, temperature and weather that you enjoy. 经历了数百万年,才完美调整好适应你用的空气、温度和气候 But now your cars, your factories and dust — they have pushed me past the limit. 你用汽车、工厂、灰尘将我逼向绝境 And you wonder why my typhoons and tornadoes are more intense, more frequent? 却反向我抱怨台风、龙卷风为何更密更狂 I have become unpredictable. 我已无法自控 Less rain here, a lot more rain there. 这里久旱不雨,那里雨水泛滥 Hotter summers, colder winters. 炎夏更炎, 寒冬更寒 I cannot even control myself anymore. 我已无法自控 Enough about me. 算了吧 I will show my changing self to you in your days ahead. 来日给你们展现我的剧变吧 But in the end, I'll be fine. 最后,天是不会塌下来的 Give me a few thousand years. 给我几千年吧 I have weathered trauma before. 以往大秧大祸,我都有力回天 I am not worried for myself. 不是自己,而是你 Look up. 记住,命,由天定