I Do-Westlife-跟着大铭听歌学英语

I Do-Westlife-跟着大铭听歌学英语

2016-01-17    09'04''

主播: 做咖啡的大铭

206 11

tell me can't you feel my heart beat, 告诉我 你能否感受到我的心跳, tell me as i kneel down at your feet, 告诉我 当我单膝跪地时, i knew there would come a time, 我知道将有那么一个时刻, when these two hearts would entwine, 两颗心将会紧紧相依, just put your hand in mine, 把你的手交给我, forever,永远, for so long i have been an island, 我的心已成为一座孤岛许久许久, when no-one could ever, 没有人可以, reach these shores, 到达彼岸, and we've got a whole lifetime to share, 我们今生今世都要相濡以沫, and i'll always be there, 我会永远在你身旁, darling this i swear, 亲爱的 我发誓, so please believe me, 所以请相信我, for these words i say are true, 我说的没有半句谎言, and don't deny me, 不要拒绝我, a lifetime loving you, 我会用一生去爱你, and if you ask will i be true, 如果你问我是否真诚, do i give my all to you, 是否会为你倾尽所有, then i will say i do, 我会说 我愿意, i'm ready to begin this journey, 我已经准备好了我们的幸福之旅, well i'm with you with every step you take, 我会与你紧紧相依, and we've got a whole lifetime to share, 共享我们的一生, and i'll always be there, 我会一直在你身旁, darling this i swear, 亲爱的 我发誓, so please believe me, 所以请相信我, for these words i say are true, 我说的没有半句谎言, and don't deny me, 不要拒绝我, a lifetime loving you, 我会用一生去爱你, if you ask will i be true, 如果你问我是否真诚, do i give my all to you, 是否会为你倾尽所有, then i will say i do, 我会说 我愿意, so come on just take my hand, 来吧 抓紧我的手, oh come on, 来吧, let's make a stand for our love, 让我们一起捍卫我们的爱情, but i know this is so hard i believe, 虽然是如此艰难, so please, 所以请, so please believe me, 所以请相信我, for these words i say are true, 我说的没有半句谎言, and don't deny me, 不要拒绝我, a lifetime loving you, 我会用一生去爱你, and if you ask will i be true, 如果你问我是否真诚, do i give my all to you, 是否会为你倾尽所有, and if you ask will i be true, 如果你问我是否真诚, do i give my all to you, 是否会为你倾尽所有, then i will say i do, 我会说 我愿意。 分享Westlife的单曲《I Do》