【旅游学英语】伦敦大英博物馆 世界文明的橱窗

【旅游学英语】伦敦大英博物馆 世界文明的橱窗

2016-11-14    10'24''

主播: 1331920

223 9

获取更多资讯,欢迎关注@新联学院英语教育广播电台 主播 杨帆Elsa 本期文稿 伦敦是一个非常多元化的大都市,其居民来自世界各地,具有多元的种族、宗教和文化;城市中使用的语言超过300种。同时,伦敦还是世界闻名的旅游胜地,拥有数量众多的名胜景点与博物馆等。伦敦四季分明,气候温和,冬无严寒,夏无酷暑,确实是个值得游玩的好地方。春秋季节气温适中,一天之中温差较小,这样就会让人觉得舒适,所以大多数游客会选择在这个时候去游玩,这个时候也是伦敦旅游的高峰期。 1, The British Museum :The British Museum (British Museum), also known as the British Museum, located in the north of the new Oxford street in London big Russell square, was founded in 1753, since January 15, 1759 officially open to the public, is the world's oldest, scale the grandest comprehensive Museum, is also one of the largest and the most famous Museum in the world. Museum has many cultural relics and books treasures from around the world, the collection of the rich, the type is various, for the world museum rare. At present, the museum has collections of more than 600 pieces. As a result of the limitation of space, there are still a large number of collections not on public display. All right,please remember our English radio, all members of this radio will send the best wishes to you , we expect that you will be happy on Sundays and have a good time.there we will talk about something we are interested in , share emotions and listen to free music. 背景音乐 Think again-Kate Havnevik Sleep alone –陈奕迅 感谢收听,期待你对本期节目的评论留言哦~