I find the sunshine a welcome change, but with it comes a familiar itch: the need to spring clean. April finds me noticing the dusty piles that seem to have accumulated in every corner. I know clearing cupboards clears my mind; feeling overwhelmed can quickly lead to feeling anxious.
The ‘Three Good Things’ practice has proved handy and comes especially naturally as spring bulbs poke their heads up and the evenings grow longer. As I settle for bed, I think of three positive things that happened during the day, and add them to my ‘gratitude’ notebook. It’s easy to be grateful for nice things but, over time, the trick I’m learning is how to be grateful for the less obviously positive events in the day. This teaches us to tap into the mindset that everything is happening for us rather than to us. We can begin to recognize opportunities and lessons in place of disappointment and dejection.
When a treasured piece of pottery gets broken in Japan, the cracks are mended with special glue that has been mixed together with powdered gold. The cracks are deliberately made a feature thanks to this art, which is known as ‘golden joinery.’ The piece thereby becomes unique, and arguably more beautiful.
I feel as if I too have undergone this repair process. Like a broken Japanese pot or vase, I have experienced plenty of breaks, but time and patience have put me back to gather again with new and interesting features. It’s an idea that makes me feel wonderfully calm.