

2018-12-05    08'10''

主播: 1331920

2222 14

天堂之岛--扎金索斯岛⛰️ 主播:Camellia 当你听到这首曲子的时候,有没有勾起你的回忆? 帅气的宋仲基狂拽炫酷地开着游艇,驰骋在那一片碧海蓝天里时,屏幕前的万千少女是否想舔屏了?除了宋仲基的容颜,给观众留下深刻印象,还有那人间天堂般的美景,它就是希腊的扎金索斯岛。 when you hear about this song, did it remind you of 2016? That's right ! The 《Descendant of the sun》became a national hit. I am sure that you've watched this show before. This show took the fire of males and female leading the role at the same time, also took the fire of a tourist attraction --Shipwreck Beach, Zacynthus, Greece. 说到,希腊,大家都会想到希腊神话、雅典娜女神、宙斯等等这些神圣的词语。而今天,我们就一起去看看希腊扎金索斯岛的沉船湾。 扎金索斯岛并不属于大家所熟知的爱琴海,它位于爱奥尼亚海,全岛面积406平方公里,海岸线长12.3公里,属于希腊的西部,靠近意大利,一直都是上帝的宠儿,在古时就有“东方之花”的美誉。这里地貌丰富,有澄澈的海水,也有陡峭的悬崖,峰峦叠翠与云影波光和谐并存,柔软的细沙安静地躺在如画般的沙滩上,洁白的鹅卵石慵懒地晒着太阳。踩在沙滩和鹅卵石上,欣赏着碧海蓝天,哪怕偶尔走神,游人也怕辜负了这一场巨大的蓝白盛宴。 Shipwreck cove, located in Zakynthos, Greece, has the reputation of the island of Paradise. There are steep cliffs and clear blue water, famous, vast sand beach, white fine sand reflecting the sun's rays, and the crystal clear water, intoxicating. Nearby is a "Blue Hole" famous for its perfect combination of rock algae and sunlight. 扎金索斯岛上著名的景点有蓝洞和沉船湾。蓝洞之名源于从海面上观看其与周边的水域时,它呈现出神秘的深蓝色调,被誉为世界上最迷人的50个地方之一。蓝洞虽然不大,但那深蓝到几乎昏暗的水光,异常魅惑,与周围的海水相映,形成了强烈的视觉冲击。乍看一眼,就仿佛被带入奇幻的世界,让人对这冰河时代遗留下来的神奇地貌浮想联翩,心潮澎湃。 Blue Grotto may be magical, but it's not as famous as shipwreck cove. Located in the west of Zakynthos,Nísos, shipwreck cove is known as "Paradise Island" and is considered to be one of the most beautiful bays in the world. Here, lush green vegetation, such as cut Lin Lin cliff, the water azure smart. The cliff stands beside the sea, presenting a harmonious picture of hardness and softness. 在普通游客眼里,悬崖峭壁带来的只是视觉新鲜,在极限运动爱好者的心中,沉船湾却是他们攀岩、高空蹦极以及定点跳伞的天堂。谁说不是呢?不管是从高处到低处,还是从低处到高处,头上都是干净的蓝天和白云,脚下都是美丽的沙滩、澄澈蔚蓝的大海,运动族从绝美开始,又到绝美的地方去,身心是何等的痛快、舒畅! Shipwreck cove is, as its name suggests, a bay with a shipwrecks. On the vast beach, full of fine white soft sand, a huge old wreck stands in stark contrast to the clear blue sky, white clouds, and fine sand. This sharp contrast also adds a sense of mystery to shipwreck cove. Some say it was 1983 when a smuggler, the Panagiotis, ran aground while transporting cigarettes. Others say it was 1981, when the Greek authorities were in pursuit of a contraband cargo ship because of bad weather The ship washed ashore and has been abandoned ever since... After decades of wind and rain, the wreck is rusted and aged. 扎金索斯岛还被誉为希腊的爱情圣地,而沉船湾更是无数恋人的定情之地。《太阳的后裔》中,宋仲基对宋慧乔说,如果她捡了这里的石头,他就会再回来。在宋仲基一番深情的话语后,宋慧乔紧紧地握住了那颗鹅卵石。其实,这么美丽的沉船湾、这么美丽的扎金索斯岛,就算没有捡起这块石头,相信很多人也会前来一睹它的芳容。亲爱的你们,心动了吗? 遇见我,遇见全世界,这里是新联英语广播电台,我是你们的Camellia, 我们下期再见。