

2018-12-15    08'03''

主播: 1331920

1202 10

主播:Cynthia 今天要跟大家分享的是泰国的一座美丽城市@清迈 清迈为泰国北部城市,环境优美,气候凉爽,以玫瑰花著称,素有“泰北玫瑰”的雅称,清迈 历史悠久,文化古迹众多。Chiang mai is a city in northern Thailand with beautiful environment and cool climate. It is famous for its roses. It is known as the "rose of northern Thailand". 清迈的发达程度仅次于首都曼谷,市内风景秀丽,遍植花草。清迈的天然环境优美,平均海拔300米,是泰国的高原城市,气候凉爽,是著名的避暑胜地。东部为坤丹山脉,西部为英坦昂山脉,山峰多在2,000米以上,主峰英坦昂峰是全国最高峰,海拔2,576米。中部为宾河流域。森林面积16,700平方公里,占全府土地73%。 Chiang mai is second only to the developed degree of the capital Bangkok, the city beautiful scenery, planting flowers and plants. Chiang mai with a beautiful natural environment and an average altitude of 300 meters, is a plateau city in Thailand with a cool climate and a famous summer resort. In the east is kundan mountain range, in the west is intan aung SAN suu kyi mai, the peak is more than 2,000 meters, the main peak intan aung peak is the highest peak in the country 每年四月13日~15日是泰国的国定假日,四月12日~14日,是传统的泰国新年宋干节(Songkn Festival,俗称泼水节。清迈的宋干节,尤其气氛热烈,场面隆重,堪称全国之最。届时,正巧是清迈的农闲期,从而自然演变成一场三到五天的狂欢期。人们争相在此期间做尽多的宗教积功德之行为,朝山进香、选美游行、跳舞狂欢,以及狂热地向人们——包括素不相识的游客们——泼水,嘻嘻哈哈,野趣荡漾,狂泼滥浇一番。如此“如火如荼”庆祝“积德”,喧闹欢乐,不将一切遭遇者淋个“落花流水”如落汤鸡,决不罢休的劲头,实在令人眼界大开,童趣横生。这种庆祝方式象征着清扫净身,趋吉避凶,浇与被浇,均似是上上大吉之兆,因此年复一年,风靡不衰。但是多数年轻人,倒宁可将它视为寻欢作乐的活动而加以展开并发扬光大。 清迈的鲜花节,是全国独一无二的节庆,通常每年二月上旬举行,泰国北方以鲜花品种繁多而闻名,二月份是温带鲜花盛开的最佳时节。清迈鲜花节庆活动中绚丽多彩的鲜花彩车,年复一年给人留下美好的记忆。届时,鲜花展示会、花车游行、手工艺品出售以及选美比赛竞相展开,热闹非凡。 If you've been to Chiang mai, it's not hard to understand why. This quiet, elegant town, as the old capital of lanner kingdom, exudes a charming classical temperament everywhere. There is no gentle beach to kill time, no luxury shopping malls to go crazy, but only the time that is almost frozen and the quiet that makes people feel very comfortable. You can wander aimlessly through the ancient city, walk through the jungle, and go shopping at night markets on weekends. Noise and tranquility are a natural combination in this city. 如果你去过清迈,就不难理解这份情愫的来由。 这座宁静、淡雅的小城,作为兰纳王国的故都,处处都散发出迷人的古典气质。这里没有消磨时间的温柔海滩,没有疯狂血拼的豪华商场,有的只是近乎于凝固的时间和让人心情无比舒爽的安静。你可以毫无目的地在古城中放空漫步,也可以穿越丛林跋山涉水,更可以在周末夜市疯狂血拼,喧闹和安详都自然的结合在这个城市。