昔者,共工与颛顼争为帝,怒而触不周之山,天柱折,地维绝。天倾西北,故日月星辰移焉;地不满东南,故水潦尘埃归焉。 相传不周山是人界唯一能够到达天界的路径,只可惜不周山终年寒冷,长年飘雪,非凡夫俗子所能徒步到达。传言曾有凡人为见神仙一面而只身上山,但却未曾见其返乡。自此之后,人人皆炼其身,锻其骨,以使得自己有足够的实力攀登不周山,后由于天条的放宽,无数凡人开始修行,为使自己能早日功德圆满,不少人开始竞相挑战不周山。
Legend has it that Mount Buzhou is the only way to reach heaven. Unfortunately, Mount Buzhou is cold and snowy all the year round, which is beyond the reach of ordinary people on foot. It is said that a man once went up a mountain alone to see a fairy, but he never came home. Since then, everyone has exercised his body and bones to make himself strong enough to climb Mount Buzhou. Later, due to the relaxation of heavenly rules, countless ordinary people began to practice. In order to make themselves successful, many people began to compete with each other to challenge Mount Buzhou.
Since Emperor Wudi of the Han Dynasty (206 BC-AD 220) founded the Silk Road, the Pamir Mountains had to pass through. As early as the Han Dynasty, it was called "Pamir Mountains" because of its luxuriant vegetation. The Pamir Mountains was the route of the ancient Silk Road. From the Tarim Basin to the plateau, it climbed up the river through a valley at the eastern edge of the plateau, and then crossed several mountain ranges on the plateau, passing through mountain passes covered with snow and ice The road is treacherous.
High Mountains are sand mountains, Sand Mountains are silver white, silver white sand pure white soft, like white silk. Such beautiful scenery, let the sleeping snow-capped mountains and lakes appear more plain and quiet.
慕士塔格峰上倒挂的冰川,犹如胸前飘动的银须,又似随风飘逸的素练,它像一位须眉斑白的寿星,雄踞群山之首,故有“冰山之父”的美称。 看到这座山峰,每个人都会感到了自己的渺小,都会心生对这座高山的敬畏。这样的雪山一路上随处可见。在这里,数不尽的雪山,一座座搭建起了帕米尔高原。