邂逅禅意 拈花湾

邂逅禅意 拈花湾

2019-04-04    09'38''

主播: 1331920

794 4

大家好,这里是新联学院英语广播电台,我是今天的主播:Cynthia 旅行中最美的风景,不在于你所见到的一山一水、一草一木、一石一叶,而在于能在大自然中邂逅让自己感动的地方,偶然的机会,在江南小京都的无锡拈花湾小镇,邂逅了禅意,惊艳了自己。今天主播要和大家分享的但是那江南小京都的无锡拈花湾小镇。 这里是国内首创的禅意主题小镇。灵山小镇·拈花湾通过建设集旅游、观光、住宿、度假、体验于一体的旅游度假综合体,首创国内以禅意文化为主题的特色小镇。 This is the first zen themed town in China. Lingshan town Gently bay, by building a tourist resort complex integrating tourism, sightseeing, accommodation, vacation and experience, creates a unique town themed by zen culture in China. 灵山小镇·拈花湾位于江苏省无锡市滨湖区马山国家风景名胜区的山水之间,是灵山集团历时5年,继灵山梵宫之后又一精品力作,于2015年11月14日开放。这里向来有“净空、净土、净水”之称,生态秀美,环境优越。而拈花湾靠山面湖,更与驰名中外的灵山大佛依山为邻,可以说是得尽天地人文灵气。 Gently bay, a small town of lingshan, is located between the mountains and waters of mashan national scenic area, binhu district, wuxi city, jiangsu province. It has been a masterpiece of lingshan group for five years and opened on November 14, 2015, following the brahma palace of lingshan. Here has always been "pure air, pure land, clean water" said, ecological beauty, superior environment. And Gently bay backer mountain face lake, more famous with the mountain giant Buddha lingshan adjacent, can be said to be the heaven and earth to do the humanities. 初见拈花湾,山水石竹,清幽小巷,拈花塔上的铃铎妙音,拈花湖畔的芦花丛丛,唐宋风韵的香月花街……随处可见生活的禅机,一方远离喧嚣的净土,安放一颗浮躁疲惫的心,再适合不过。 走进拈花湾,伴随着婉转的山涧鸟鸣,伴随着远处潺潺的细水涓流声,木屋、石像,深藏在高高低低的树林里,“曲径通幽处,禅房花木深”的诗意跃然眼前。 恰逢假期,拈花湾里游人如织,但并不感到嘈杂,主街道两旁的竹篱茅舍,别有一份欢喜祥和的温情与市井,徜徉其中,真的恍然穿越到唐时的市集。 每天晚上8:00开始,拈花广场的拈花塔都有灯光秀表演。 最高潮的部分就是当灯塔一层一层的亮起,灯光以金属色为主,也夹杂着其他颜色。 当灯塔完全点亮的时候,仿佛是一座大型的琉璃塔,晶莹剔透。 晚上的拈花湾也处处充满了禅意。可以拍摄拈花湾美丽的夜景。 During the holiday season, visitors to Gently bay are very busy, but they don't feel noisy. The bamboo fence huts on both sides of the main street have a happy and peaceful warmth and the market. Starting from 8:00 PM, the Gently tower in Gently square has a light show. The climax is when the lighthouse lights up layer by layer, the light is mainly metal color, but also mixed with other colors. When the lighthouse is fully lit, it seems to be a large glass tower, crystal clear. At night, nianhua bay is full of zen. The beautiful night scene of Gently bay can be photographed. “茅檐相对坐终日,一鸟不鸣山更幽”。禅意十足的灵山小镇·拈花湾,从心理上满足了人们对生活意境的追求,不仅仅是借古书古人古公案空谈禅理。 拈花湾有一句宣传语——好好生活。很朴实,却导出了当下人们心灵上最迫切的追求。好好生活,并不是荣华富贵,花天酒地,而是一种淡泊宁静、回归本质的生活。 生活苦吗?累吗?苦的是人们的欲望过多,以至于累及自身的身心;人生本不累,累的是人们放不下的太多,以至于无法随遇而安。 愿每个人都能看淡一切用心去生活, 今天的分享就到这里 我是主播Cynthia 让我们下期再见 bye
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