

2020-02-27    05'04''

主播: 1331920

1267 9

各位听众朋友们大家好,这里是河南师范大学新联学院英语广播电台,我是主播Ammo. 新闻开始前,不妨大家先想一想: What can you do in ten days? Come home for the New Year? A trip abroad? 十天能干什么?回家过个年,出国玩一趟? But wuhan can build a 30,000-square-meter hospital in 10 days, with 1,000 rooms and the size of seven football fields. 但是武汉十天就能建一所面积达三万平方米的医院,可容纳1000张病房,有七个足球场大。据业内人士核算,要换在平时做相同规模的传染病医院,则需要两年的时间。 1月23日,武汉市政府宣布,将仿照北京“小汤山医院”,建设火神山医院,根据官方的说法,预计于2月3日前建成投入使用。 On January 25, wuhan announced that it would build another “雷神山”hospital, with an area of 60,000 square meters, which is expected to be put into use on February 5. As soon as the two "sacred mountains" were started, they became the focus of public attention. 1月25日,武汉又宣布,要再建一座“雷神山”医院,面积将达到6万平方米,预计于2月5日投入使用。两大“神山”一开工,就成了万众瞩目的焦点。 虽然中国“基建狂魔”的美名已传遍海外,但是,与“疫魔”赛跑,要用十天建一座医院? Foreign netizens expressed:China is the only country in the world that can complete such a big project in such a short time. "Only China can!" This is also the most words that many overseas friends in the comments said. 外国网友表示:世界上只有中国能做到在这么短的时间完成这么大工程。“只有中国可以!”这也是众多海外网友在留言中说得最多的一句话。 But play to play, trouble to trouble, building”小汤山"again is not a slogan. 但是玩归玩,闹归闹,再建“小汤山”可不是口号。 小汤山,是一座十七年前,记录了中国人战胜“非典”的医院,创下了病人治愈率接近99%,1383名医护人员“零感染”的惊人战绩,被世界卫生组织专家惊叹为“世界医疗史上的奇迹。 火神山 hospital is better in scale, quality and design than 小汤山hospital. Now we are far better prepared to fight against the epidemic than we were 17 years ago. 火神山医院的规模、质量、设计均优于小汤山,如今我们抗击疫情的防范已远超十七年前。万众宅家,自我隔离,默念”钟南山不让动绝不动“。 the rural closure of the village in Henan province, amazing all over our country, the new 小汤山 are about to put into the battlefield, too 河南省农村封村行动力惊艳全国,一个个新的“小汤山”们也正要投入战场。 Seventeen years ago, 小汤山defeated SARS,Seventeen years after , we also firmly believe that 火神山 and 雷神山 hospital can also defeat the new coronavirus! After all, spring is coming and everything will be fine again. 17年前小汤山战胜了非典,17年后的今天,我们也坚信火神山和雷神山医院也定能打败新型冠状病毒!毕竟春天就要来了,一切必将重归美好。 今天的新闻到这里就结束了,谢谢大家的收听,我们下期再见。