

2020-05-14    05'55''

主播: 1331920

1381 10

各位听众你们好,这里是新联学院campus radio service,我是你们的主播Olivia。 今天我想为大家带来一部影片评述《寻梦环游记》 “before the memory of love fades, remember me, " follows the young boy Miguel in pursuit of his musical dream, on the day of the dead in Mexico, and on the emotional core of the Mexican state, called affection “在爱的记忆消失之前,请记住我。”影片《寻梦环游记》以小男孩米格追求音乐梦想为线索,讲述墨西哥亡灵节,以及墨西哥人的情感核心——亲情。 The film is a true blend of Mexico's traditional festivals: the day of the dead, when Mexicans think people die only to another world, a better world than the real world, continue to live, on the day of the dead can be returned to earth, and live family reunion. 这部电影真正融合了墨西哥的传统节日: 死亡之日,当墨西哥人认为人们死亡只是为了另一个世界,一个比现实世界更美好的世界,继续活着,在死者可以回到地球的日子,和活着的家人团聚。 Miguel had always dreamed of being a musician, but his family objected to his touch. Mexicans love music, but in Miguel's house, music is taboo. In the process of pursuing his musical dreams, despite his family's objections, Miguel encounters a strange event that takes him to another world. In the world of the dead, Miguel meets his great great grandfather, hector, the true God of Song. In the tug of war between love and time, his memory of his father fades as his great grandmother Coco grows older, and if no one remembers him, héctor will disappear into the world of the dead and never see his daughter, cocoa. In héctor dying, said the daughter of infinite love and miss, see here all can not help but burst into tears. With the help of others, Miguel finds her way home, evoking the memory of her father in the song of Great Grandmother Cocoa, who is reunited with her parents in another world at the end of the film, with tears in her eyes. 米格很有音乐天赋,一直梦想成为音乐家,但家人极力反对其触碰音乐。墨西哥人热爱音乐,唯独在米格的家,音乐是个禁忌。米格在不顾家人反对,追求音乐梦想的过程中遇到离奇事,进入到另一个世界。在亡灵世界,米格遇到了曾曾祖父埃克托,也是真正的歌神。爱与时间的拉锯战,由于曾祖母可可年事已高,对于父亲的记忆越来越淡,如果没有人记得自己,埃克托就将在亡灵的世界消失,也无法见到女儿可可。在埃克托奄奄一息之际,说出了对女儿无限的爱与思念,看到此处在场所有人不禁潸然泪下。米格在众人帮助下寻找到回家之路,用歌声唤起了曾祖母可可对自己父亲的记忆,影片结尾,笑中带泪,曾祖母在另一个世界与父母团聚。 The characters in the film are good enough,Family ties may be the strongest support. Just like the Miguel family at the end of the movie, If you stick together, you're stronger than ever. Dreams still have to be, hard work can make dreams come true. 影片中的人物都是非常善良的,亲情或许是最强的后盾。就像影片最后米格一家人一样,只要团结在一起,其利断金。梦想也还是要有的,努力奋斗才能梦想成真。 今天的节目就要接近尾声了,请记住你永远都不是一个人在奋斗,背后需要家人的陪伴与支持。永远不要为了梦想放弃守护你的爱人,也不能因为爱人放弃了坚持的梦想。