【听歌学英语】keep your head up princess

【听歌学英语】keep your head up princess

2021-04-20    05'56''

主播: 新联学院英语广播电台

1296 7

各位听众大家好,这里是新联学院Campus Radio service.我是主播Vera.今天给大家分享的英文歌曲是Keep your head up princess.它是歌手Anson seabra 的一首单曲,Anson seabra 来自美国中西部,他结合精心制作的旋律和感人的歌词,使他的音乐具有某种神奇的特质,可以立即吸引听众。Keep your head up princess 这首歌曲歌词简单,旋律动听,我们一起来感受下吧: So keep your head up princess before your crown falls,Now these voices in your head will be your downfall,I know it gets so hard but you don't got far to go,Keep your head up princess,It's a long road and the path leads right to where they won't go,,I know it hurts right now,But I know you'll make it home,so keep your head up,so keep your head up, 在你的王冠落下之前,请抬起头来吧公主,现在你脑海里的声音将会是你失败的诱因,我知道这很难,但你也没有太远的路要走了,抬起你的头,,这是一条漫长的路,而这条路正好通向别人不会去的地方我知道这很痛苦,但我也知道你会到家的,所以请抬头挺胸,昂首阔步。 下面我们一起来学习这首歌中的单词和短语: 首先keep your head up意思是抬起你的头,那它的反义词就是keep your head down意思是保持低调,保持低头。例如:The housekeeper must simply keep her head down . 其次是make it 意思是达到预定目标,及时抵达。例如:I couldn’t make it,unfortunately.很遗憾,我来不及。 然后是这首歌中的一个单词crown,作名词意思是王冠,花冠,比如歌曲中的Keep your head up princess before your crown falls.这句中的crown就是名词;作动词时意为加冕,表彰,For example:Hale him forth ,and crown him . 把他涌过来,给他加冕。 好了,今天的听歌学英语节目到这里就要接近尾声了,让我们一起来感受这首歌中的情感,给自己加油鼓劲吧。 Thank you for listening to this program. I hope you can learn from it. See you next time!
上一期: 【新闻】Peace and Development