20170908sweet song of peace

20170908sweet song of peace

2017-09-08    03'37''

主播: Island老師粤語故事

318 5

If every woman in the world had a mind set on freedom
If every woman in the world sang the sweet song of peace
If every woman in every nation, young and old, each generation Would join hands in the name of love
There’d be no more war Repeat
If every man . . . If every child . . . If woman If everyone in the world had a mind set on freedom
If everyone in the world sang the sweet song of peace
If every man and every woman, every child and every nation Would join hands in the name of love
There’d be no more war 若世界上每个女人都有自由的心态
每个国家每个女人,无论年长或者是年轻 如果以爱之名携手 不再有战争! …每个男人… …每个孩子… …每一个人… 若世界上每一个人都有自由的心态
每个国家每个男人,每个女人,每一个孩子 如果以爱之名携手 不再有战争!