

2017-03-21    05'17''

主播: 水木清华studio

222 1

How about going to a movie? A: Friday at last. What's your plan for tonight?   终于又到周五了。你今晚打算做什么? B:I'm still thinking. How about going to a movie?   我还在老虑呢。去看电影怎么样? A:Awesome.A movie directed by my favorite director was just released several days ago.   太棒了。前几天刚上映一部影片,恰巧是我最喜欢导演执导的。 B:Really?Which one?   真的吗?是哪一部? A: Actually, I don't remember the name. It's about disasters   说实话,我也记不清名字了,只知道是关于灾难的。 B:Whatever Just go to the movie theater after work.    管他是什么呢。反正下了班我们就向电影院冲。