

2017-04-13    06'14''

主播: 水木清华studio

163 1

Could you recommend some good shampoos? A:My hair is kind of oily and my dandruff bothers me a lot. Could you recommend some good shampoos?   我的头发有点油,而且头屑也让我很苦恼。您有什么 好用的洗发水推荐吗? B:Maybe you can try this one. I've recommended it to many clients with the same problem and they said it's great.   或许您可以试一试这一种。我把它推荐给好多和您有同样问题的客户了,他们都说很好用。 A:Really?What is it good for?   真的吗?它都有什么功能? B:Lots of things. It'll keep your hair clean and oil-free.   好多功能呢,它可以使你的头发看起来清爽不油腻。 A:I'll give it a try. Thank you.   那我就试试看。谢谢。 B:You're welcome.   不客气。